Why Code Block and Inline Code Block Formatting Options Offered by Medium Editor is Not Working

For code block and inline code block on the medium editor, I read Casey Botticello and Medium help center. But these formatting options did not worked for me.
Casey Botticello mentioned in his guide:

Eventually, I realized that my current working keyboard layout is ABC-QWERTZ instead of standard U.S. English.
Conclusion: If you are using other than a Standard US English Keyboard then medium formatting options may vary.
For ABC-QWERTZ Keyboard Layout
- Inline Code.
- Code Block.
Inline Code
- To enter into inline code block:
[Single backtick(`) + space key]
- To leave inline code block:
[Single backtick key(`)]
When you want to add an inline code block in the middle of the sentence, add one space before pressing a single backtick.
Code Block
- To enter into code block:
[Type double backtick(``) + Press enter key]
Try for what works with your current layout if you are not using one of these layouts.
Notify me in the comment section if these formatting options served you.