How to Write Your First 5 Stories on Medium as Newbie Writer
Steps and tools for writing as a starter
Have you ever had a thought that said it would be so great if I start writing my life stories, my experiences, what I learned today, how I solved this particular problem?
Most of us had, but straight after this constructive thought, another thought comes to our mind, and says Come on! How can you write? You can’t write, you never did it before, you don’t have any experience…And you stop yourself there.
⚠️Alert! These are the negative thoughts holding you back.
Stick to the first one and allow to let go of afterthought. In the beginning, it will need audacity. But believe in yourself and go ahead with it.
Not forget! Great authors come out after writing a lot of crappy pieces.
Ergo, get through your trying time and show up.
Henceforward, I am sharing my practice of writing. It might be helpful for you.
Topic selection
Put down topics on paper that first comes to your mind when you decided to write and number these. Initially, you might have five or six. Read all from the start. Drop the one which less excites you. Repeat this process unless one topic is left.
Turn topic into a heading
Turn favored topic into the title. Use a heading analyzer, which will score your title. Also, add subtitles under your story title.

Photo for story
Choose the best match photo which reflects your story from Unsplash or upload your own.

With this, you can foresee your forthcoming story.
Write the first draft to put your ideas into sentences without concerning about the quality of sentences. Just write with the flow of your ideas and thoughts in the absence of judgment.
Edit your draft
Just now, invest your time in editing. Start from the beginning, refine your text, format it and place the best words in sentences.
Move through writing assistance
Put your refined text in Grammarly. It will correct your grammatical, spelling, punctuation, and formatting mistakes.
Before hitting publish button, you can also put the whole story in Grammarly for the final check.
Practice makes perfect. So, keep writing!✍🏾